I’m now accepting blog sponsors for August! Unicorn Parade has been growing by leaps and bounds and I’d like nothing more than for your blog or shop to grow with me.
I’m offering ads in three different sizes at prices anyone can afford, for all the information please check out my sponsor info page.
I’m also putting out an early call for guest posters for November- once the baby is born I won’t be able to blog as much (although when Sym was a newborn I was still updating my livejournal three times a day so…) but I don’t want to leave this blog to wither and die! If you’re interested just email me with your name, the url of your blog/tumblr/twitter/etsy (although it’s not required that you have one to be a guest poster!) and an idea for a post. Posts can be about basically anything, I mean you’ve seen the stuff I like to post about: coffee, daughters, dogs, no big whoop.

I won’t need the posts until mid-October so you have plenty of time to come up with an idea!
I think I’ve found my costume for Halloween this year… and I’m feeling a bit veklempt.
Just try not to develop shpilkis in your genechtagazoink LOL I CAN’T BELIEVE I SPELLED THAT