Yesterday was beautiful out so instead of doing stuff around the house I took Gwen to Stanley Park/the playground at Second Beach. I didn’t even realize that it was the last day of summer. Anyway I was so tired when we got back that I couldn’t be bothered to do anything. I couldn’t even be bothered to make my to-do list. I mean, I did a little work on etsy orders, but not as much as I could/should have, and I didn’t do any housework. OOPS. Today I woke up to unfinished banners, piles of laundry, mountains of dirty dishes and toys strewn everywhere. Not cool, but I busted my butt all morning and managed to get most of the mess cleaned up before nap time.
… as in there’s one in the air, and it’s also all I wanna do rn. I have a lot of stuff to do today, but first for a little Monday morning treat: you can stream the new CHVRCHES on NPR, and bless their hearts, it’s not geolocked like the Beach House First Listen was (of course, I got around that in the end, but it was still annoying).
I feel that a lot of squirrels must live here.
My beloved Kodiak boots have finally disintegrated so I’ve been wearing this pair instead. I’ve had them for a while but never wore them because the soles leave scuff marks everywhere. Maybe if I get them resoled I’ll like them more?
Taylor has been working days for the past week and it’s been weird but nice. He’s been getting up at like… 5am, working for a couple of hours at home, going into the office for 8 and getting home by 2 or 3 most days. I think tomorrow or Wednesday he goes back to working nights, but he had his review last week and the HR department expressed some concerns about how many hours he has been working (ie TOO MANY). It’s been decided that unless there is a super serious systems administrating emergency he has to leave the office by 9 each day. He actually used to leave that early (or even earlier) most days- there was a year when he came home by 8:30 three days a week so he could walk Sym to school. It’s kind of amazing to think he will be coming home every day in the morning and theoretically getting more than 3 hours sleep a day.
I’m still working on getting used to using this camera of Taylor’s. My camera is tiny and has a wrist strap, so it’s strange not being able to fit it in my pocket, or hold it easily in one hand (especially with my sprained finger, ow). I do think it takes better pictures though? Probably it would be even better if I could be bothered to ACTUALLY learn how to use it properly, but ughhhhhhhhhh. I wish there was some way to combine Taylor’s technical knowledge with my artistic eye and steady hand, but other than my actually reading the instruction manual (LOL NO) I don’t think there’s a way it’s ever gonna happen.
FINALLY I should prob stop releasing new things on the weekend bc it seems like no one is on the internet but O WELL I’m just a very impatient person (I actually have my October calendar page finished and it’s making me bonkers waiting until the end of the week to post it) but I listed a new set of hand painted wooden blocks on Saturday. I actually made these ones for myself as a ~desk accessory~ or w/e and have them in a little wooden bowl by my computer. They are in a forest/woodland theme and the set of twenty-one blocks includes seven blocks painted in shades of green with leaves on one side, seven blocks painted in shades of brown with two metallic sides (one copper and one bronze), three blocks painted red with white spots, and four blocks painted as animals: a dark brown bear, a medium brown deer, a red-brown squirrel and an orange fox.
Get a set for yourself here.
family dinner
Sunday roasted red pepper soup w/tomato & arugula salad
Monday tortellini with cheese sauce
Tuesday breakfast for dinner: eggs, bacon, hashbrowns
Wednesday veggie sliders with baked onion rings
Thursday POUTINE NIGHT/leftovers for Gwen
Friday mini pizzas
Saturday TBD ofc
Sunday’s soup is one I made myself from scratch, using the peppers I roasted last week, plus some leftover chicken, carrots and onion from the previous week. One of my goals for this whole meal-planning experiment is to waste less food, so I am pretty pleased with myself for using up a bunch of leftovers in such a delicious way. Pre-roasting all those peppers was also a genius move, so I bought EVEN MORE on Friday and I’m going to roast them all too. Hopefully I can make the cheese sauce for Monday’s dinner without RUINING MY LIFE. Wednesday’s meal is obviously last Friday’s meal that was never made due to the whole salmon/macaroni & cheese incident. I had to bump last Wednesday’s salmon to Friday so as not to waste it (it turned out so good, I made a glaze with some leftover honey hoisin sauce, orange juice, ginger and white pepper), so Friday’s sliders are now Wednesday’s. This is sure to annoy Sym, as I made sliders on Fridays all summer so when I made salmon last Friday she was like THIS SEEMS WRONG, and she’s bound to feel the same way about sliders on a Wednesday. HOWEVER I don’t want to wait until the end of the week to use the onions I already bought so she’ll just have to deal with it.
Taylor has graciously offered to let me use one of his cameras, the Canon EOS M, instead my little one, so I’ve been trying it out. All of these pictures are of very small things and none of them has anything to do with this post.
We had mini blueberry jelly donuts for breakfast & Gwen ate just as many as I did.
DECORATIVE GOURD SEASON. Local ppl, Independent Grocer on Davie has mesh bags of 6 white mini pumpkins for $3.
I ordered this little ceramic deer from etsy about a million years ago, I’d completely forgotten about it until it arrived in the mail. Now it lives in the glass pyramid that was formerly home to my air plant which spontaneously died this week? Like it was doing great for almost two months, I was taking care of it the way I’d been instructed and then one day it was just all shrivelled up? RIP, air plant (my fern still lives tho).
Miniature wooden bowl, itty-bitty seashells, tiny silver ring from Little Pancakes.
Gwen is super into doing whatever I do, so when I put on a knit hat today she had to put on a knit hat too. This meant I had to get the bag of all last winter’s accessories down, and all morning she’s been treating me too a winter accessories fashion show, including these brown bear crochet ear warmers from Tiny Tangerines. From her digging through all her cold weather gear I’ve learned two things: she needs new snow boots as last year’s are too small (this has not stopped her from wearing them all morning though), and she does not need a new green jacket as last year’s still fits. Of course, I’d forgotten that I saved it and already ordered a new one so that’s cool. I’m not sure if I’ll be returning the new one; the old one is a size three and she’s growing out of that size pretty quickly, the new one (which hasn’t arrived yet) is a four and will fit her all winter.
Dougal folds up very small.
Gwen climbed up and stole the camera off the dresser in my bedroom to take this picture.
Maybe I was just too cocky. Maybe I was feeling overconfident after the cornbread muffins I’d made for the first time the day before turned out so perfect and delicious that Taylor, Gwen and I ate all twelve in one sitting. Maybe Sym’s compliment when I told her we were having homemade mac & cheese for dinner that my “cheese is the fluffiest!” went to my head. idk what it was, but last night dinner got me right in the hubris. I flew too close to the sun and screwed it up to the point of disaster THREE TIMES.
The first disaster was that I wasn’t even supposed to make mac & cheese for dinner, I was going to make salmon. I forgot to take the salmon out of the freezer though, and by 4pm it was still rock hard, leaving me scrambling to find a replacement meal. I decided on this roasted red pepper mac & cheese I’d made before; it always turns out great, I already had the roasted peppers and I knew everyone would eat it. I’d made this particular meal so many times I didn’t even have to think about it, which I guess explains how the second disaster happened.
I forgot the milk. I made my roux, it looked great, and then I just dumped a bunch of shredded cheese right into it? I was like “hmm this cheese hasn’t melted right, let me just check the recipe-OH GOOD LORD.” The recipe calls for three and a half cups of milk and I’d put in precisely zero and zero half cups of milk. I tried to salvage it by adding the milk after buuuuut that didn’t exactly work as the cheese had already formed into weird grainy unmeltable clumps. It was beyond nasty and there was nothing to do but toss the sauce and start over.
This time I measured out the milk in advance so I wouldn’t somehow make the same mistake again. I had Taylor shred all the rest of the cheese* and got ready. One problem: I had no butter left. It was already after 6pm and I really didn’t want to run out to the store so I was like “oh I’ll just use margarine, I’m sure it will turn out.” Well as it turns out, it WON’T turn out. The roux looked alright and I remembered the milk, but when I added the cheese it still didn’t all melt properly no matter how much I stirred. It seemed good enough though, so I poured it over the noodles and peppers and popped it in the oven. When I pulled it out I realized it was disaster number three.
I guess the margarine didn’t form the right cohesive bonds or something, because the sauce was still 100% liquid. Okay not 100% because there were some thicker, cheesy parts stuck to the noodles, but underneath it was all watery with an oily surface. SO GROSS. By this point I was so frustrated I was almost in tears, and was just about to toss the whole thing and send Taylor to get takeout, when I decided to try one last thing: I strained it. I strained the noodles and peppers and cheese and ended up with a colander of edible mac & cheese, and a bowl of REPULSIVE SLOP. Thank goodness I was able to salvage it at the last minute but GOOD GRIEF.
*I couldn’t do it myself because earlier in the day I sprained the middle finger on my right hand while cleaning the bathroom (SOMETHING ONLY I COULD DO) and it was (and still is) super painful. Clearly yesterday was Not My Day.
autumn’s beginning
It’s cold again. Back when we had that storm a couple of weeks ago I declared summer over but then the sun came back and we had some beach days and I had to pull my Birkenstocks back out from under the bed*. Now it’s cold again. Putting-away-your-summer-gear, drinking-hot-tea-all-day, wearing-socks-to-bed cold. This morning when we took Georgie for a walk Gwen wanted to wear her wolf suit, which is SUPER warm and cozy, and I allowed it (then halfway through the walk she decided she DIDN’T want to wear it after all and started whining “suit off, suit off”). It was almost starting to rain and I am not looking forward to going out to run errands later.
Gwen has started calling me “Ma” instead of “Mum.” I don’t know why, maybe Taylor taught her as revenge for my thinking it was so funny when she stopped calling him “Dadda” and started calling him “Taylor.” Maybe she just finds the single syllable more efficient since she says it so many times every day. I just hear “Ma. Ma. MA!” all day long.
I still don’t have a job. I mean, I DO, I just don’t have any clients. I’ve gotten a lot of calls and messages and even taken a bunch of meetings with potential clients but so far everything has been a bust. I’m starting to feel really discouraged, like WHY BOTHER trying to make a super-good impression and like really talk myself up as an aces child care provider when nothing comes of it? It just feels like a waste of everyone’s time. With each facebook messenger or text message conversation that peters out, each meeting that leads to nothing, each person who almost commits but then ghosts me, I get less motivated, and the longer I go on not working the less I’m going to enjoy it when I start again.
*Getting things out from under the bed is extra tricky nowadays. A bunch of the castors had snapped off the frame and I worried the whole thing would collapse and crush the cat who lives under it, so a few weeks ago Taylor and I took off the mattress and the boxspring (much to the chagrin of the aforementioned cat), flipped up the frame and pulled off the remaining castors. Now the bed is much more stable, but it’s also a couple of inches shorter and the boxes of shoes underneath it don’t slide out as easily anymore.
family dinner
Sunday leftover pizza
Monday pierogis with roasted peppers and bacon
Tuesday veggie chili & cornbread
Wednesday honey ginger salmon with broccoli & rice
Thursday POUTINE NIGHT/leftover for Gwen
Friday veggie sliders with baked onion rings
Saturday TBD
Monday’s pierogis are actually last Friday’s pierogis because I didn’t make them, oops. Gwen wanted to go to the beach that afternoon and we got home too late for any kind of dinner. I was going to make them on Saturday instead but we were out all afternoon wandering the city and I was too tired to make anything so I just sat on the couch watching Steven Universe until Taylor ordered pizza, but at least that gives me dinner for tonight as well! I’ve never made cornbread before but I needed cornmeal for the onion rings so I figured WHAT THE HECK. Saturday is once again TBD, probably it’ll be nachos for Taylor & myself and leftovers for Gwen. I decided to roast the peppers today, and when we went to buy groceries there was a bunch of assorted weird field peppers in all kindsa reds, oranges and purples for super cheap so I got a huge bag and I’m roasting them all. I figure whatever I don’t use tomorrow can be frozen (if Gwen doesn’t just eat them, she LOVES roasted peppers and will probably devour them all). I also want to make a soup to freeze sometime this week to use up some of last week’s leftovers (I made A LOT of carrots).
bloedel conservatory
Some pics from the Bloedel Conservatory in Queen Elizabeth Park. It was pretty busy (we went on the weekend) but not so crowded that we didn’t enjoy it. It’s pretty cool inside, and admission is only like $6.50. Gwen was super keen on all the birds, less happy about people trying to talk to her (no surprises there!).
family dinner
While I’m unemployed I’m trying to really get this running-the-household stuff in order, the idea being that if I form all these good habits now, then once I’m back to work I’ll keep them up. (or maybe I’ll just be so good at it that Taylor will be like “o don’t worry about working at your job, you’re so much better at just being a SAHM!” lol ya rite). ANYWAY. While Taylor was away I tried my durnedest to cook actual meals for the girls and myself, and I’m DETERMINED to stick to it. Cooking, meal planning, grocery shopping for the planned meals and not going wildly off-list… all things I hate doing but things that need to get done nonetheless. On the weekend I planned out this week’s dinners, and so far so good…
Sunday cheese tortellini with tomato sauce, spinach & arugula salad
Monday panko-crusted chicken with mashed potatoes and honey-glazed carrots
Tuesday red pepper & black bean soup
Wednesday quiche lorraine with fried potatoes and tomato salad
Friday pierogis with roasted peppers and bacon
Saturday TBD
Sunday and Tuesday only Gwen, Taylor and myself were here for dinner so I kept those meals pretty simple and fast. Thursday will be the same, but that is poutine night for me & Taylor so Gwen will be having leftovers. The chicken I made on Monday was the first non-bacon meat I’ve cooked myself and been able to eat in months. I think the trick is to handle it as little as possible or I get grossed out by the texture. The soup on Tuesday was not homemade but I want to get back into making soups this fall. I did it a few times last year and it was p. cool having a stash of various soups in the freezer for nights when I didn’t want to cook. The quiche is something I made for the first time while Taylor was away. It was super easy to make and turned out SO GOOD. I felt bad that he didn’t get any (because I ate the whole thing…) so I decided to make it this week as well. Saturday is still TBD, normally Gwen would have leftovers and Taylor and I would have nachos, but Sym will be here this weekend (normally she’s at her dad’s on Saturdays). She can’t eat tortilla chips with her braces so having nachos for dinner seems cruel. Maybe tacos? Or burgers? I have a baked onion ring recipe I’ve been wanting to try out, that could go with burgers.
queen elizabeth park
On the long weekend Taylor, Gwen and I went to Queen Elizabeth Park…
Let’s go!
Classic weird Gwen face.
Of course we have to stop to pet and hug and kiss a strange dog.
We went inside this cool dome (it’s a conservatory full of tropical plants and birds) but this post already has too many pics so those will have to wait.
↑↑ this plaque goes with this tree ↓↓
The gardens are in old quarries.
There were literally ONE THOUSAND bees on these pink flowers.
summer’s end
The porches on Robson Street being dismantled.
I don’t want to sound like one of those autumn-obsessed people* who start shrieking about sweaters and pumpkins before September even starts but like… summer is SO OVER. The storm last weekend brought it to a screeching halt and it has been cloudy, cold and wet ever since. The other night it was so cold I wore wool socks to bed! When the sun makes the occasional brief appearance it gets really hot again, but only for like five minutes- just long enough for you to sweat to death in all your rain gear. Maybe the clouds will lift and it’ll be actually sunny and warm again but for now, it is so fall.
Taylor has been in San Francisco for a work conference all week (he gets back tonight). While he was away I didn’t want Gwen and I getting bored and frustrated with each other so I planned all sorts of outdoor excursion for us. Unfortunately the weather stymied most of them, so we mostly stayed close to home. We went for walks in the neighborhood, played in the park across the street, and splashed in many puddles. Even though we didn’t venture that far afield, Gwen’s newt suit & boots still got a helluva workout.
While we’ve been stuck at home I’ve gotten a ton of stuff done. I rearranged all the furniture in Gwen’s room AND cleaned out her closet, I’ve stayed on top of most of the housework, and I’ve been cooking lots of ACTUAL meals with REAL food. Over the summer I kind of let things slip a lot, but this week of unemployment by myself I’ve really tried to form some good habits. My hope is that if I get in the habit of cleaning properly and cooking when I’m not working then maybe once I am working I’ll keep doing it? That’s the idea at least.
*I put my September calendar page on my tumblr and tagged it “autumn” and it’s gotten more notes and reblogs than any other thing I’ve made and posted myself