five faves

This Sara M Lyons pomeranian pin was literally made for me, and probably you too. Bonus: it’s on sale this weekend!

The comedy genius of vampire baseball.

I think I may have finally found wireless earbuds for yoga that will fit in my ears? I’m gonna try them out but I’m cautiously optimistic.

I didn’t know American Eagle Outfitters, or rather, American BEAGLE Outfitters made clothes for dogs until I got a targeted ad but WOW was that ad on target! I am mightily in need of this dog sweater and matching human sweater.

A possible contender for this year’s Christmas cake.

ALSO this is VERY last minute but I’ve decided to offer a sweet, sweet discount of 25% off everything in my shop for this whole weekend. Check out the sale here.

five faves

Hey everyone, longtime (sort of?) no write. Something something blogger cliche about being busy, too busy to blog. I mean I guess I actually have; we are in the first week back at school after a very long spring break and it’s been hard to get back into our regular routine and I’ve undertaken a bunch of projects around the house that are really taking up a lot of my time. But I’ll get into that in another post; for now here’s a few faves for your Friday morning.

A friend posted this article on her instagram stories this morning; it’s an oldie but very fascinating to me because I love buying weird food at HomeSense (Canadian branch of TJ Maxx).

I haven’t bought a new bathing suit in a long time but I just got this two piece (top, bottom) and I’ve never had a high waisted bikini before but I kind of love it?

image via Zara

I don’t generally go for shirts with graphics of messages but this one really spoke to me.

I really want to get some of these INTENSELY CREEPY mother-of-pearl hands to use in a crystal tiara but they are a little pricey. I did buy some tiny golden skulls last weekend so we’ll see what I come up with.

Taylor and I have been watching Wild Wild Country on Netflix this week and if you haven’t yet, you should because it is BONKERS.

five faves

I basically stopped existing reading this article because it’s SO. REAL.

The perils of HGTV.

Finally a Kickstarter that is relevant to my interests.

I want this, someone in the UK get me this.

I’m a lil apprehensive about Isle of Dogs because well… Wes Anderson often kills dogs in his movies (Buckley!!), and this movie is almost all dogs… idk, y’all. Decide for yourselves.

five faves

Full disclosure I only read the first sentence of my Zodiacal “Mom Type” (Aquarius) but what more do you need to hear?

I showed a friend who was looking for one this black denim jacket and now I’m like… maybe I need a black denim jacket?

Three good reads.

I need a new desk chair (I’ve been using one of our dining room chairs which is not ideal) and I’m trying to decide if I should get the regular version or the armchair version of Gwen’s tiny desk chair. What do you think?

A little bit of exciting news: I’ll be vending this Sunday at the West End Arts Market from 11-6 at Jim Deva Plaza! I’ve never done anything like this before (previously I’ve only sold online) but I’m pretty excited about it!

I’ll be selling my handmade raw crystal point tiaras as well as some suede & leather and machine embroidered patches I have. It’s a little last minute though, so hopefully I’ll be able to get everything for my display ready in time. If you are local I hope to see you there!

five faves

This is Real Art and I refuse to hear otherwise.

Reading this feels like a punch in the gut.

I know I’ve posted this dress before but it was out of stock for a long time and now that’s it’s available again I’m more obsessed than ever.

I’d love this (in blue!) to add to our collection of cast iron.

This is a great project (and almost fully funded!).

five faves

It’s taken most of the week but we are finally settled back into our apartment! Well, mostly settled back in. I figured having to pack everything up was the perfect excuse to put things back DARE I SAY mindfully? So rather than just dumping all our stuff and knick-knacks and what-have-yous out all willy-nilly I’m slowly going through it all, and making everyone else slowly go through their stuff as well. So while the large pieces of furniture are all back in place we do still have a few boxes, bins and baskets to sort out. Hopefully I can get it all finished up this weekend… and then it’ll be time to sort out our storage room. The spring cleaning this year is INTENSE.

I made yogurt this week! Our slow cooker has a yogurt setting and we had some organic milk that was about to expire, so rather than let it go to waste I figured I’d try my hand at yogurt making. This post helped me troubleshoot some problems and in the end it turned out out perfect (and delicious!).

Fairly confident I will be buying Nicky these shortalls.

Gwen is very into taking care of her baby dolls right now, and this cute toy highchair will be just right for them- plus it’s on sale right now!

The mysterious Jeff Goldblum food truck.

How adorable is this set of bamboo toddler dishes? I really like the blue & green bear but they are also available in pink & purple cat.

five faves

Happy Friday! This weekend we are taking Gwen to her first ever birthday party for a friend of hers (she was so shy when she was younger + her delayed speech meant she had trouble making friends DON’T @ ME ABOUT IT OR I’LL CRY) and I’m planning on rearranging & decluttering a bunch of kitchen cupboards (thrilling stuff I know).

This had me in tears. TEARS.

I need to find a local baby spa.

Thinking about a white bedspread for spring/summer.

Gonna try making Dutch Babies in the cast iron this weekend (if you have any tips please let me know in the comments!

A crowdfunding project I can really get behind.

five days & five faves

All my babies at 5-ish months old in 2002-2013-2017

It’s been a busy, bonkers week you guys. I actually only had to work on two days (Wednesday & Thursday) but my family (and the time change, ugh) has had me all over the place!

On Monday I took the little kids out to Chapters on West Broadway so I could pick up a new basket to store the dress up clothes in. Gwen got some new Peppa Pig books and Nicky got a teether shaped like a old school Nintendo controller, which was too expensive but also too cute to resist. That night Gwen developed a fever, which was not very fun but thankfully the next day she was fine.

On Tuesday Sym and her grandma dropped off a new desk for Gwen they’d picked up for me at Ikea. Gwen helped me to build it (like, she really helped, not “helped” the way little kids often do) and we put it right next to my desk in the office. It has a top that opens up and a nice big compartment inside, so now she has her own space to store all her drawing supplies and papers so they aren’t piled on MY desk anymore. I’m planning on putting a magnet board or magnet strips and maybe a small shelf on the wall above for her to display some of her fine arts.

On Wednesday I continued my quest to get this place decluttered and donated four huge bags of clothing to charity. That evening Nicky cut his first tooth and it was all very exciting, but later that night he developed a fever (I know some people believe teething causes fevers but I think he just had whatever Gwen had on Monday night).

On Thursday I was up until 3am with a poor sick baby, until Taylor came home from the office to relive me. Thankfully I was able to sleep in a little that morning because I was super tired and super crabby. Nicky still had a mild fever for most of the day, although it never reached the “seek medical attention” threshold (something I have a lot of anxiety about after his bout of meningitis last fall).

On Friday (today) I slept in until 10am, which was amazing, but when I got up Gwen informed me she had put beads in her nose. I sent her to get dressed to go to the hospital while I brushed my teeth, and I heard her sneeze and the sound of a bead pinging away across the room. My relief was short lived when she informed me there were still two more beads in the other nostril. After waiting for 2 1/2 hours in the emergency room and performing something called the “kiss technique” (where you blow into your kid’s mouth to try and blast any obstructions out of their nose) all I got was a faceful of snot because there weren’t any more beads up there! I’m not mad at her, obviously, but I definitely would have rather not spent the whole morning there!

A quick five faves for this week…

This is the basket I got for the dress up clothes, they are only available in store but they are on super sale if you can get to a Chapters!

Nicky’s Nintendo teether is available here.

This article on grey clothing is CLEARLY relevant to my interests.

Nicky has outgrown his basinet (HOW????) so while he was sick we used this folding portable mini crib in the living room. If you have a baby and a small space I super recommend it. It has a very small footprint, folds flat when not in use and can be easily rolled from room to room.

Since Nicky was tiny we’ve used the FeedBaby app to track his diapers & bottles, as well as growth and vaccinations. This week we also used it to keep track of his temperature and medicine. The apps syncs between our phones, which is great for us since Taylor and I live & work on opposite schedules and are also very often very tired and confused about the passage of time, haha. It’s available for Apple and Android.

Have a great weekend everyone!