We are like 80% of the way done putting our apartment back together- we’d probably be closer to being finished but I’m a masochist and decided that this weekend was the PERFECT time to start painting our bedroom (just one wall, and only because it’s impossible to do with all the furniture in there!). I think for the most part we have all the big furniture put away and a lot of the bins & boxes unpacked. I’m trying to do another mini-purge as I unpack rather than just dump a ton of stuff out and have already filled another bag for donation as well as set aside a lot of book to give away (we have a little free library in our alley and let me tell you it has been GREAT for getting rid of unwanted books, comics and movies).
Of course the real star of the show is the new floors, and can I just say that I love them? I’ve been in apartments with some combination of gross carpet and linoleum since Sym was about six months old and I am SO HAPPY to be free of them, finally! The nice new floors do make the dingy, patched walls look extra rough though, so I can’t wait to finish all the painting/repainting I have planned for this year and really make this place shine.