long weekended


This past weekend was a long one, and it is a big deal in my neighborhood. Not so much because of the holiday (BC Day) but it’s Vancouver Pride weekend AND the final night of the Celebration of Light Fireworks competition. So did I go to the street party, or the fireworks, or the pancake breakfast, or the parade? NO. NO I DID NOT. Because on Thursday I took Gwen around the Seawall and on Friday Georgie got sprayed in the face by a skunk and the walking and dog washing were Too Much for my feeble body, and they left me super exhausted and drained and sicker than ever.

Instead of going out and doing things I spent almost the whole weekend inside, recuperating. We watched all of the new Wet Hot American Summer series on Netflix. I finished a project I’d been working on since the previous weekend, and almost finished another project I’d been working on for literally months. I started a new project that I prob won’t finish for a super long time. I spent some quality time with my couch. I opened my Society6 store (free shipping worldwide until August 9th!) (sorry).

While I was busy being one of the indoor kids on Saturday, Taylor took Gwen out for a scoot. idk how she is so adorable, but man. She really is.





all photos in this post by Taylor

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