five things | twenty

This family of lil bandits welcomes you to today’s links post…

In the wake of all the recent articles about all the ways women are ruining their own lives by not speaking correctly, here is a helpful guide on how to speak while female.

A more serious take on the topic that explains why the war on female voice is just another way to tell women to shut up (similar to the way I put it tbh).

This personal injury lawyer-obsessed toddler is my new fave. Or is it this series of portraits of a girl and her dog?

Baby elephant plays with birds :3 :3 :3

… aaaaaaand a lil shameless self promotion: In case you missed yesterday’s post (or my carpetbombing social media lol) right now everything in the shop is 25% off with the code SUMMER25 (valid on orders of $10 or more). If you’ve been thinking about ordering something fun for yourself or a friend, NOW IS THE TIME! Banners, boots, blocks AND MORE are all discounted!

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