January 16th

She is very into foxes and also buckling her toys into the stroller.
Oceanside swings
I thought geese were supposed to fly south for the winter? Is this evidence of global warming?

As usual, at the end of 2014 Taylor had a great big surplus of unused vacation days. Once again he decided to take Fridays off, this year until mid-May. It’s great because it gives him more time to spend with Gwen, to sleep, and to get back on a regular sleep-schedule on the weekends. It’s not great because it makes me feel like I also have Fridays off, which I do not. Next month though, one of the families I work with is temporarily cutting back to 4 days/week so I’l only be working from 7:30 to 9 in the morning and 3 until 4:20 in the afternoons. Not a total day off, and I really am not in love with that early of a start, but I’ll take it!

Today was Taylor’s first Friday off and although it was supposed to rain the weather is fine so we took the little ones to the playground at Second Beach. It was clear and sunny but very windy, my favourite kind of day. The water was all churned up, with waves crashing against and even a little over the top of the Seawall. Gwen had so much fun at the playground she didn’t want to leave, and had a full-on screaming freakout when we tried to put her back in the stroller and was mad at us the whole way home. Once we got back here some books & snacks cheered her right up.

This afternoon I am getting my blood tested to see if I’m hyperthyroid again or if levels have stabilized. Then I’m looking forward (not really) to spending a super fun weekend cleaning & reorganizing the storage room, hopefully well enough that I can finally put the Christmas decorations away? Right now they are piled in bins in my foyer. Wish me luck!

And for your Friday afternoon, my current fave song…

2 Replies to “January 16th”

  1. About the geese–I live in Oregon, and someone told me recently that the Canada geese who live here in the summer fly south to California, the ones from Canada come to Oregon, and so on. So maybe they came from north of you and spend their winters there? Idk

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