beautiful sky // always running somewhere // a tiny smile// Elke, abandoned // good ol’ Honey Paws // my funny-haired Valentine // Gwen’s Valentine outfit, top from Joe Fresh & leggings from Old Navy // I sort of went overboard on the heart-shaped food for Valentine’s Day // am I a lion? // out for a walk in her green Newt Suit // new stickers that I haven’t put up for sale yet (although the full-colour version is available) // hello, kitty // baby eats: cereal& crackers for snack // it’s cold outside but it’s cozy in here // Quo by Orly in Twinkle Twinkle + Essie in A Cut Above // seriously, help me put my lion suit!
Gwen is really in to dress-up recently. She is obsessed (OBSESSED) with the lion costume and insists on wearing it pretty much all the time. She’ll take any clothing item she finds lying around (or plucks from the laundry hamper) and drape it around her shoulders like a shawl, and she’s very good at putting hats (or hat-like objects, baskets, etc) on her head.
She has some baby friends that she plays with now, and it’s so rewarding seeing her interact with them. When she first met another baby she actually thought she was a dog and would pat her on the head and put toys in her mouth. Now they actually PLAY, either with toys or, more often than not, chasing each other around the house and screaming with laughter. It’s one of my favourite things to watch, they just have so much fun.
I’m finally finally finally starting to get better after over a month and a half of this terrible cold. My sinuses have cleared up enough to allow me to be able to tell when the baby has a dirty diaper. Perhaps a mixed blessing? Anyway now I just need to be rid of this STUPID ENDLESS COUGH. Gwen is also improving. Her nose is much less runny and I assume her ear infection has cleared up. I really hope so because getting antibiotics in her 3 times a day was worse than giving medication to a cat.
that lion costume omg
I love when they start dressing up. She looks adorable.