Taylor and I made plans this Saturday to take the girls up to Grouse Mountain for the Peak of Christmas. I figured it would be the perfect way to get in some snowy Christmas cheer, and then be able to come back down to the land of no snow. Well WOULDN’T YOU KNOW IT but of course the day before we go up to the top of a snowy mountain it actually snows in the city. Typical.
Gwen woke up early so we got her dressed up and took her outside for her first real snow experience.
She hated it. She just hated it! We put her down in the backyard and she immediately collapsed on the ground and started howling.
Combined with her hatred of the Ergo carrier we got this week for taking her up on the mountain and I am REALLY looking forward to tomorrow! I wish I’d been able to do more baby wearing when she was younger and more pliable but unfortunately my screwed up back wouldn’t allow it. We’re not bringing the stroller up the mountain though, so she’s going to have to suck it up.
Happier times inside the house (don’t forget to check out her outfit of the week on Tiny Buttons!).