Lazy Links

My hair has been driving me bonkers recently and yesterday I finally did something about it. I was thisclose to cutting it all off, like SHORT short, but I chickened out and just got a trim (but a huge trim) and layers. Weirdly, after I had a shower it dried really curly! It’s actually kind of perfect: it airdries nicely so I won’t have to deal with my blowdryer all summer, and it’s still long enough to put up.
Photo on 13-05-31 at 2.44 PM #2
Photo on 13-06-13 at 8.09 PM #2
Tragically, this cut makes my hair about 1″ shorter than Taylor’s so TECHNICALLY I lost our long hair contest. However I can still lord it over him because my hair is curlier and therefore envied.

On to the links!
Sleeping through @sugar_rain_ 's school musical

Fascinating article about Monette and Mady, adult identical twins who dress alike & do everything together.

This frozen watermelon “Slurpee” sounds delicious.

Love these geometric stamps. I have a bunch of mini 3/4″ blocks so I’m thinking of making a tiny version (you know I love tiny things).

Chvrches announced their full album, hooray!

What Gwen wore this week on Tiny Buttons.

2 Replies to “Lazy Links”

  1. Hair is beautiful. WAY better than Taylor’s—did it occur to you that his is TOO LONG?
    Funny—your hair curled at the ends when you were little. It’s just reverting…..

    1. lol I think his hair is too long but whenever I say anything about it it just steels his resolve to keep growing it OH WELL

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