Tiny Library

Gwen's Bookshelf (Angle)

Gwen’s bedroom is the smallest room in the house, and it’s a weird shape with an awkwardly placed door & window and a closet that takes up an entire wall. Setting it up has been challenging and ongoing, and today I finally got around to putting up the bookshelves.

Tiny Reading Nook

Obviously she’s not going to get much use out of a reading nook anytime soon but I like to be prepared. Also it’s so cute!

Gwen's Bookshelf

The shelves are simple $10 Ribba picture ledges from Ikea. I got the 55cm length and they basically fit perfectly between the door frame and the corner (which isn’t where I was planning on putting them so it’s very serendipitous). books: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

I used the top shelf for its intended purpose and put some pictures on it.

On the Top Shelf

In the large frames: the tree picture is a placeholder I printed out myself to tide me over until I can buy an actual print (I would have already but the artist isn’t selling them in her shop yet, cry cry), the red & white dots are a scrap of wrapping paper that might be from Ikea or possibly the dollar store, and the bird picture is a postcard I’ve had forever.

In the small frames: a “G” (for Gwen of course) I painted on a piece of brown cardstock, a photograph of the baby herself, and a scrap of Ikea Vandring Igelkott fabric with a little hedgehog on it.

The little fox is from Woodland Tale.

Bear Chair

I saw this bear chair at the drugstore in December and became OBSESSED with it, but I couldn’t justify the purchase. Happily it went on clearance after Christmas and I snapped it up for only $15.

Happy Face

She’s already a fan!

Gwen in the Bear Chair
Polka Dots & Tiny Toes

Kitty onesie &polka-dot leggings from H&M.

4 Replies to “Tiny Library”

  1. Aw, I love the little reading nook, she’s going to love it! I would probably add a cushion for a grown up to sit on too though, I’m sure that she’ll want you to join her down there.

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