Two Months

Two Months

I know I said this about one month, but I CAN NOT BELIEVE it has been two months already since Gwen was born! Time really is flying, and it’s freaking me out!

Gwen is such a happy baby. Ever since she was three weeks old we’ve been rewarded with big gummy baby smiles, and as she grows and becomes more interactive and aware these have increased in both frequency and magnitude. She really rarely cries- at our prenatal class and on the maternity ward tour and in the hospital they really stressed how much babies cry, I guess to hammer home the point that it’s normal so new parents don’t freak out about it, but this baby? Not so much. I mean obviously she cries when she’s hungry or uncomfortable or overtired but she’s never inconsolable. Most of the time she’s perfectly content and when she isn’t all it takes is a quick cuddle to cheer her up again.

She’s also a big baby. It’s been almost three weeks since her last doctor visit so I’m not sure how much she weighs now but she is already growing out of her 0-3 month clothes. Today she’s wearing a 3-6 month onesie that basically fits her perfectly! I think she’s going to be tall like her daddy. And she’s so lovely! Her hair is starting to get a little curl to it and I know her eyes could still change colour to be blue like Taylor’s or green like mine but for now she has the prettiest grey eyes. I feel so lucky & blessed to have the most wonderful baby in the world.

Two Months
Two Months
Two Months

4 Replies to “Two Months”

  1. Her top lip is yours, it was amazing to see your face so clearly in the first photos you posted. There are flashes of Sym too, but I am used to seeing pictures of your husband with his head obscured by a dog or pillow so am not so good at Taylor spotting. 😉
    I’m looking forward to watching her grow. She does look like such a content baby. <3

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