Slowly but More Slowly

Did you know that when you are pregnant it takes you fifty billion years to do anything? It’s true (well, in my case, at least). Now that the apartment is all repaired and repainted and recarpetted and our new furniture has been delivered, I thought I’d just dive right in to putting things right around here. I thought it’d be super easy. TURNS OUT THAT IS NOT THE CASE. I can only do a little of this and a little of that before I need a serious break, and now my apartment looks like this:

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unopened boxes in the baby’s room
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emptied boxes in the living room
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things that were never put away after the carpets were replaced
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Ikea detritus

Taylor and I decided to moved Sym’s little dresser into the baby’s room and buy Sym a new, bigger dresser, so we’ve been working on that first. Last night we started building it and got as far as building the frame before we quit for the evening. This morning I attached it to the wall and built two of the six drawers, with long, healthy breaks* between each one. After I finish it I still have the baby’s crib, changing table and a chair to put together, and right now I feel like it’s going to take me until my due date to finish it. In my non-pregnant furniture-building heyday I could have gotten all this done in one day!

Some people have suggested I leave all this up to Taylor, and I have been getting him to help with some things (heavy lifting things, mostly) but I have my own reasons for wanting to do it myself:
1. he’s working crazy long hours right now and is almost more tired than I am, so I feel bad about pestering him to do more around the house than he’s already doing, because he has been doing a lot.
2. even though I’m working on other things during the day, knowing that all those boxes are sitting there not being opened drives me crazy!

Anyway. I’m going to keep plugging away at it and hopefully, somehow it’ll all get done before this baby arrives in the next five or six weeks O____o

*On my breaks I’ve been doing the dishes and the laundry and working on three of the eight banners I’m making this week, so they were more working breaks than lazing breaks.

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