
I feel bad that I haven’t been posting any manis lately, but I’ve seriously been making SO MANY banners recently that I haven’t had time to paint my nails, any anyway working with x-acto knives=trashed polish.

Sunday Morning

Symphony spent this whole weekend at her dad’s, so I had tons of free, non-parenting time to get stuff done. And in a surprising twist, I ACTUALLY GOT STUFF DONE. I cleared away a bunch of clutter (especially on my desks, which are SPOTLESS) now, hung a little shelf just for glitter, and put a hook on the side of Taylor’s desk so he can hang his bag up instead of leaving it in a heap on the floor to get covered in cat hair. That’s all boring though, what I really did this weekend was watch fireworks and go to Ikea.

The Alley at Night

I’ve posted about this before, but every summer at the end of July/beginning of August Vancouver hosts the Celebration of Light, which is the largest offshore fireworks competition in the world. IT’S TRUE. For three glorious nights three different countries set up a literal barge-load of fireworks out in English Bay and then BLOW EM UP. On Saturday was Vietnam’s turn to blow stuff up, on Wednesday will be Brazil and then Italy next Saturday.


I wish I was fancy and had a boat (or a friend with a boat) but I’m not so I have to watch from land like a peasant.

Vietnam's Fireworks
Vietnam's Fireworks
Vietnam's Fireworks

On Sunday we both got up bright an early to go to Ikea; I had to pick up a few meters of fabric to send to my mom so she can get started on the crib/nursery set she’s making, a few other baby olds & ends, and a new nightstand for myself. I haven’t had one since I got rid of the old bedframe a few months ago and it’s annoying not having anywhere to put my book or my water and having to ask Taylor to plug in my phone on his side of the bed all the time.

Raskog Assembly

After seeing the Raskog kitchen trolley all over the internet I knew it would be prefect, but actually buying it was a total hassle! For some reason at the Ikea here it was with the full-service furniture, so you have to find an Ikea employee to print out a furniture request for you, then pay for it, then wait for it to be brought out. IDGI. The weirdest part is they didn’t even have one out on display in the showroom anywhere, so if you didn’t ask (and check stock levels online before you went) you’d never even know they had any.

That annoyingness notwithstanding, it was as perfect as I’d hoped (which is good since I didn’t get to look at it before I bought it!). The size & height totally work for the little space next to my bed (the closet is like, RIGHT THERE so I can’t have anything too big) and the colour matches my duvet cover (here used as a bedspread) exactly.

Raskog in Place

Sorry I don’t have a nice picture of it styled and staged all pretty with classy books and fresh flowers. My water bottle & stuffies will have to suffice.

I’ve seen some people online lamenting the fact that you can’t use this trolley as a bar cart because the shelves are too close together to fit liquor bottles, and to that I say… what? The center shelf is height adjustable! I put mine a little higher than center and I could easily fit a fullsize bottle of scotch on the bottom.

Raskog & Scotch

This particular bottle is twelve inches tall, but if you have any taller bottles you could definitely raise the center shelf a little more. Of course, I’m pregnant and I don’t drink scotch in bed (or ever) so my bottom shelf is being used for a much more glorious purpose.

Raskog & Georgie

One other thing from this weekend: on Friday I got the results of my gestational diabetes test from my doctor, and while my blood sugar levels and everything are all normal, my hemoglobin is low. I wasn’t surprised by this at all, I know I don’t eat enough protein or like, green leafy vegetables or whatever. Anyway my doctor put my on iron pills, which I’m not thrilled about since they can cause… bathroom difficulties. The pharmacist told me vitamin C would help me to absorb the iron, and to help inspire & remind me to eat better (or at all really, food is so not interesting to me right now) and take my vitamins I’ve decided to make myself fresh-squeezed orange juice every day. SO AMBITIOUS!

Sunday Breakfast

To help make this dream a reality on Saturday I bought four pounds or oranges and added them to the two-ish pounds of oranges and assorted grapefruits I already had. Then I made juice on Saturday, Sunday and again today, and now I have… zero oranges and zero grapefruits. YIKES.

Georgie & Bear

I hope you all had a nice weekend as well!

3 Replies to “Weekended”

  1. I’m also on iron pills and man they make me feel nauseous! Much better than GD but still not happy about it.

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