I think I’ve mentioned before that I LOVE LOVE LOVE Lana Del Rey and I LOVE LOVE LOVE her song Summertime Sadness more than is reasonable. I think I listen to it about 50,000 times a day, like that is a conservative estimate as my very annoyed husband can attest to! Anyway the video is finally out and this should come as no surprise but I LOVE LOVE LOVE it too.
ty so much to Dani at Pop Culture Major for keeping me up to date on everything Lana
This summer has felt so weird so far. There are so many things that I want to do but can’t because of work and being pregnancy tired. I know I’m going to be done soon, but it doesn’t seem like soon enough, since technically I’m working until the end of August. However, with a week off coming up and four-day weekends starting soon, I only have 19 days of actual work left before I’m off for an entire year. A WHOLE YEAR OFF WORK to just nest and be a mom*. I kind of can’t believe it.
Posting this pic from last week again because I LOVE LOVE LOVE it too.
*and also work on etsy bisnis, I have SO MANY banners to make rn it’s crazy. If you want one don’t forget GIRL25 gets you 25% off everything in the shop, including custom work!
I LOVE LANA. I saw her live last week at a festival, she looked fucking terrified. She was shaking and had to ask the security guys if she could smoke a cig onstage while she was performing, haha. Then she got them to lift her offstage so she could sing at the fans and hug them and stuff :3
How did I not notice Jamie King in that video at first? weird