I Know

Sooooooo after I called them the ultrasound clinic in the hospital finally faxed my report to my doctor (which they apparently hadn’t done yet) and this afternoon I finally found out. This is going to sound crazy but I’m not super mad about the whole thing because it gave me time to get used to the idea of having a boy, just in case. I always preferred the idea of having another girl and I was worried I would be really disappointed with a boy baby.



I know I said in this post that everyone who guessed right would get a special discount code to use in my etsy shop but I’m feeling extra magnanimous so instead EVERYBODY GETS A DISCOUNT! Use the code GIRL25 for a 25% discount on anything in the shop, including custom items (just convo me to get a reserved listing).

36 Replies to “I Know”

  1. OH MAH GAH it is a girl!!!! Did you ~~feel~~ like it was a girl? I never can predict these things right, although I am sure that my SIL’s baby will be a boy, so maybe I’ll be right at SOME point. I think I just keep guessing boy for everyone and well you know. At some point I’ll be bound to win.

    1. I had NO IDEA this time, like with Sym I always knew I was having a girl (I told everyone I was even though the ultrasound tech never actually told me LOL) but this time it could have been anything.

  2. omg tanie i am sooooooooooo happy for you and your family!!!! this has made my afternoon!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  3. Oh thank god, we need another Symphony/Tanie-esque person in this world. Congratulations!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD

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