First Market

This past Saturday was the opening weekend for the West End Farmers’ Market, which is conveniently located in front of my house (pls don’t stalk me, I am all burnt out from creeps already this week). It’s so nice to roll out of bed on Saturday mornings, scope out the vendors while I walk the dogs and plan all my purchases in advance.

First Farmer's Market

Unfortunately my favourite homous vendor wasn’t there and since I live in Canada there isn’t a ton of stuff in season yet- it seemed to be mostly lettuces and tomato plants, but I did get some good things.

All the Tomatoes

Like MILLIONS AND MILLIONS OF LITTLE TOMATOES. This was over a pound and I think Sym has eaten most of them already. I’d be annoyed but really, what am I gonna say? “Oh no, child, please don’t eat all the healthy nutritious vitamin-packed organic produce?” lol as if.

Cheese Honey Berries

I also bought some very expensive but very sweet and tiny strawberries, organic free-run eggs, a whole strawberry-apple pie that I can’t even photograph because Taylor ate it all already(!!!), local honey sticks for Sym, and some cheese marbled with blackberry wine from my favourite SPCA-certified cheesery (I really want Kate from Full Frontal Fromage to come up from SF to see me so we can go there and visit their happy cows!).

9 Replies to “First Market”

  1. I had one person favorite a bunch of flickr photos of my friends in Thailand wearing rain jackets and when I looked at his account it was all people IN RAIN JACKETS wtf

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