In case you didn’t know, I love finding old furniture and making it awesome, as evidenced by the fact that I’ve done it exactly once. My desk really is great though!
Anyway I spotted this little end table in the alley the other night and made Taylor bring it home for me. Right now it’s sitting on the patio, filled with diatomaceous earth (I need to know it’s bedbug-free before I bring it inside) but soon it’ll be painted turquoise (maybe?) and beside my bed.
In other fixer-upper news, this happened this weekend.
In case you can’t tell, that’s the remains of the toilet roll holder in the half bathroom. It’s so weird, it isn’t like there was anything really heavy on it or anyone yanking or leaning on it, I wonder why it pulled out of the wall for no reason like that?
MAYBE BECAUSE THE BUILDERS DRILLED A GIANT-ASS HOLE FOR ONE OF THE SCREWS AND JUST LEFT IT LIKE THAT??? Ugh it baffles me how terribly put together this place is, like is it REALLY that hard to put up a toilet roll holder? Anyway I think I’m going to get one of those free-standing holders so I can put it closer to the toilet- you can’t tell in these pictures but it’s so far away that the non-diaper-wearing daycare kids can’t reach it, so I always have to get toilet paper for them and it’s preventing them from becoming fully independent, toilet-wise. Of course I’ll have to take the remains of the old holder off the wall, fill the holes and paint it, which is gonna be super fun because I don’t think I have any of that orange paint left. I guess I can get some more when I get the turquoise for the table!
I love turquoise! I’m sure it’ll come out great. 😀
I have a similar piece in my house, an old sewing table. It’s been hollowed out and we plan on using it as an entry table.