Training Days

I’ve been a bad, lazy blogger 🙁 idk why I was in such a funk last week. OH actually I do know, it’s because someone who I thought I was friendly with said personal blogs mine in particular, were embarrassing. For the record I’m not embarrassed that I have a blog, but I was pretty irritated about the unnecessary bitchiness.

… but instead of focusing on that, let’s talk about something else: Family Fun Friday Nights! Every week I try to come up with something Taylor, Sym and I can all do together, and the last two weeks were peculiarly train-themed.

Two weeks ago we had a board game night and played Ticket To Ride, a game that I think is from Taylor’s childhood?

Ticket To Ride

idk, I’d never played it before but he had been practicing on his iPad. That’s didn’t stop me from KICKING EVERYONE’S ASS THOUGH.

Winning at Ticket to Ride

Check out my amazing cross-continental railway (I was red)! It was really fun, although I’m not going to say how intense and stressed out I got about the whole thing.

This past weekend I had planned on a simple night at home, but on Friday morning one of my clients gave me a free pass for the Halloween Ghost Train in Stanley Park, so OBVIOUSLY we had to do that!

Halloween Ghost Train

Before we even got to the train we had a nice creepy little adventure- I had planned out our walking route to get there so we wouldn’t end up wandering through the woods at night, but unfortunately there was some filming going on at the Malkin Bowl so we had to go all the way around. THROUGH THE WOODS AT NIGHT D: Luckily we made it without getting lost or eaten by Sasquatches or anything.

Halloween Ghost Train

The theme for this year’s train is Circus of Disaster, and if you can think of anything worse than weird clowns in the dark woods at night then WOW you have a sick mind.

Halloween Ghost Train
Halloween Ghost Train

Being chased by zombies from the ring toss.

Halloween Ghost Train
Halloween Ghost Train
Halloween Ghost Train

Not pictured: Bird Boy’s nest of mutilated clown parts. I wish I could have gotten better pictures of everything, but it was dark and we were on a moving train. It was just the right amount of creepiness that it was good for kids but still fun for adults, and if you are in the Vancouver area I HIGHLY recommend checking it out before the 31st!

Halloween Ghost Train

Sym posed for a picture with me on the grounds that I bought her one of those obnoxious, seizure-inducing light-up swords, the brat.

We also went through the haunted maze (twice), visited the colouring tent and had hot chocolate/cider and churros (although Taylor was only able to smell the food & drinks). It was a great start to getting me in the Halloween mood, which is perfect for this week’s Family Fun Friday: my second annual pumpkin carving, Hocus Pocus watching party (see the results of last year’s here)! Sym and I went to Party Packagers’ Halloween Superstore on Saturday and bought a bunch of decorations and carving tools, and I’ve already started stocking up on pumpkins!

Hocus Pumpkins

Georgie’s getting into the spirit already in her glow-in-the-dark ghost shirt!

Pouty Halloween Dog

6 Replies to “Training Days”

  1. I love your blog .. not only is it interesting but has tons of great ideas, great pics, and great food. Keep up the good work.

  2. I have to admit I`m kind of perplexed that anyone would think your blog is embarrassing. I like your blog. You make pretty food and crafts and have good nails. I approve.

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