A couple Saturdays ago (the same day the neighbors boarded up the fence actually) I got my hair done. My ends/highlights were looking brassy, my roots were long and the difference between the to was really obvious. Instead of spending all my money and time getting my roots highlighted, I decided to have a light ash brown toner put on my ends to deepen/de-brassify the highlights I already had, which would help them to blend in with my roots. It took way less time, cost way less money, and the difference is amazing!
… and by amazing I mean subtle. Okay, I KNOW it looks exactly the same but irl I swear it is different. Just not so different that anyone would notice.
I think it looks different! A little lighter overall. It’s pretty lovely.
IT MUST BE THE LIGHT IN THE PICTURE. I swear I read what you wrote and everything…..lol.