I swear these dogs are thisclose to becoming best friends.
Since it’s September 1st, I figured it was about time I got started on some Halloween crafts. I’m planning on some spooky glitter banners, but I need to get more black and white glitter sheets, and try to suss out some orange- for some reason it’s basically impossible for me to find orange glitter! I thought I found some but as it turned out it was orange glitter paint, and it’s not working the way I want. You have to do a billion coats and once you put down one, the glitter in the successive coats just gloms on to where there is already glitter, leaving some parts chunky and clumpy and others patchy and bare.
ANYWAY in the meantime I’ve whipped up some micro-bunting (remember micro bunting?) in Halloween colours. These are 12″ long and priced oh-so-reasonably at just $1.80, although if I’d thought ahead a bit more I’d have made them 13″ for even more spookiness.
In black, orange, white or any colour you want!
Speaking of crafts, my friend Rhiannon pointed out my space shirt tutorial was featured on craftzine.com today!
I swear, I never need to make another craft or write another blog post. I’ll just coast on that one shirt for the rest of my internet career.
that’s awesome that your shirt tutorial was featured! i’ve been wanting to dry it. carrie did and it looked AMAZING!
You should, it’s fun but VERY messy.
It’s too bad that I can’t get my act together yet with your wonderful planets mural. You would be the next dooce.
Oh man, that’s so fucking sweet! 😀 I love craftzine, I miss their print zine so much.
Take orange paper + spray with spray adhesive + orange glitter (martha stewart makes one!!!!) DONE
I’m way ahead of you!

I actually some ~Recollections~ brand glitter, it was a better colour than the Martha Stewart stuff, although I did put a coat of the MS glitter paint over it for extra glitter & to keep it from rubbing off.
Yay my boyfriend loves his shirt, I really need to make one for myself!