
Space Shirt Crafternoon

Today a bunch of people came over to make space shirts! It was messy but fun, so thank you to Colleen, Carleigh, Leanna, Katrina, Kristen and Jenn! I barely took any pictures because I felt silly getting in everyone’s face with a camera but here are a few:


Colleen (left) and Jenn (headless in the Hello Kitty apron) dyeing their shirts.


Leanna’s shirt (left) and Carleigh’s being worked on.


Jenn & Colleen left a little early but l-r here is me, Carleigh, Leanna, Katrina and Kristen in our finished space shirts.

For tips on making your own awesome space shirt, please see my tutorial!

3 Replies to “Crafternoon”

  1. Bah! Stupid final exam and wedding shower conflicting with awesome craftiness.

    But y’all look great! Yay crafternoon!

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