Weekend Pieces

Just a few pics & stuff from the weekend!

On Friday night we put down the new rug in the living room.

New Rug

It’s a ~better than sisal~ rug from Urban Barn, and was pretty cost-effective for the size. It’s much nicer and more living room-y than just having the crummy old linoleum down! Also, when we were picking it up (on Thursday night) I discovered that they have some new counter stools that are really similar to the ones I want but can’t have because they’re from Crate & Barrel. I can’t afford them right now, but it’s good to know they’re there! Sometimes I think I should just get my clients to send their fees directly to that store, it’d probably be more efficient.

Living Room

We had two of Sym’s friends over for Dance Central that night, and they are all picky in different ways, so it was a bit of a struggle to get them to all eat the same dinner. Eventually we settled on good old spaghetti.

Pasta Sauce

To make it more nutritious I bought whole wheat noodles for once and added a ton of vegetables to the roasted garlic sauce I bought (while tempted, I ended up not buying the weed sauce)

Sunny Saturday

Saturday was gorgeous and sunny, so I really didn’t want to spent all of it cooped up in the house. Sym and I went out to take some pictures of ~whimsical vignettes~ using my micro bunting, but I stupidly forgot to bring my chopsticks (LONG STORY) so instead we just went for a walk around the Seawall from English Bay to Sunset Beach.

Symmie @ English Bay
Tanie @ English Bay

When we got hom she helped me with lunch I made ham & cheese pitas and she mad a salad with cucumbers, tomatoes and pea shoots, but I unfortunately forgot to photograph it.

Sculpture Scaling Symphony

After lunch was our trip to buy supplies and then we started making our SPACE SHIRTS! In between steps on the shirts I had some quality play time with Georgie. She’s getting so puffy now, I can’t even believe it! Her paws are all feathery, it’s so cute.

Classic Taylor Moment

Sunday was another beautiful day, so after finishing my shirt I decided we should go out with the dogs. First we stopped at Coo Coo Coffee for americanos and breakfast sandwiches, and then went to the dog park in Emery Barnes Park. Georgie ran around with all the other dogs having tons of puppy fun, but Kichou was his usual grumpy old man dog self and mostly stay in Taylor’s lap.

Park Phodographer

After leaving the park we went over to the seawall and walked from Yaletown to Sunset Beach, meeting this funny cat along the way. He was the size of about four Georgies, I swear! His paws were enormous.

Seawall Cat

It was a super fun and relaxing weekend, and I’m glad I spent so much time outside in the sun, since I just looked out my window and it’s SNOWING right now. WHAT.

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