Halloween Wrap Up

I’ve been living in this neighborhood for eight years now, and every year we have more and more trick-or-treaters. The first year there was only a couple, but soon parents clued into the fact that as the last intact block of actual houses downtown, there were more trick-or-treating opportunities here than in blocks full of apartment buildings and condos. Usually at least one person in every house is giving out candy, and some people go all out with the decorations. It’s really fun!

Taylor had to go to bed early since he was working last night, and Sym was going to be trick-or-treating with her dad and stepmom. I didn’t want to sit at home like a sad sally, giving out candy by myself, especially since the dogs bark their tiny faces off every time someone knocks on the door. I decided to give out candy at the front of the house and teamed up with my neighbor Matt, who was having a little get together. He and some of the neighborhood kids had put out some pumpkins and spiderwebs, but I want to up the ante a little and raided my holiday decoration cupboard.

Halloween at Mole Hill

I added the jack o’lanterns we carved on Friday night, more cobwebs, a cardboard skeleton and honeycomb-paper spider, some mini-Halloween wreaths and my favorite- long streamers of black crêpe paper that fluttered in the breeze like tattered shrouds. Matt’s friends Aaron and Darren provided the giant spiders and our house was Halloween night ready!

Matt, another neighbor named Katherine and I combined all our candy, and it was a good thing because this year there were HUNDREDS of kids! Altogether we had about 20 lbs of candy and by eight o’clock we were tapped out! It was crazy! Some of the kids had really great costumes- there were some amazing homemade cardboard Transformers, several little Lady Gagas, and one boy with a bloody rag tied around his had carrying a bloody cauliflower- a no-brainer. There was no contest for my favorites though!

Three Totoros

Colleen, Symphony and Clay as the three magical creatures from My Neighbor Totoro! Colleen made these from hoodies, which I can appreciate since sweatsuit costumes are my oeuvre. I like how Clay’s Totoro hoodie has the big teeth! Very cute.

Now that Halloween is over, I can finally focus on Sym’s birthday party, which is OH GEE this Friday! This happens almost every year- I spend all of October focusing on Halloween and suddenly it’s November and I have four days to throw together an awesome party.

5 Replies to “Halloween Wrap Up”

  1. The front of the house looked awesome!! Great job!! Have fun doing Sym’s b’day!! I hear it is a fairy theme. You’ll pull it off… xo

    1. I thought it was Tanie for half a second too. Even though I read who it was. Totoro was a pretty masterful idea, though, Colleen did well!

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