Well, first of all, I was able to pick my dopey little conehead dog up from the vet on Thursday evening, which is good because I really didn’t want to leave her alone overnight. I had to carry her everywhere and she slept on the couch for hours, but woke up at 12:30am ready to party.
Maybe when (if?) I finish my current self-portrait I could do a Madonna and Child-style one with Georgie. Would that be too blasphemous? Actually I already promised Taylor I would do one of him and Kichou so NEVERMIND. Anyway, she’s doing fantastic. I took the cone off her yesterday and she hasn’t been gnawing her belly incision at all, although she did have terrible diarrhea. I was concerned but we discovered it was just because she’d eaten a bunch of special high-protein diabetes maintenance cat food Claire had dropped down her tower (a whole bowl, in fact. Cats and dogs, they aren’t smart).
Symphony got her ears pierced, with Hello Kitty studs, of course.
I went to the hockey game on Friday night with Jenn. We both forgot to take our cameras to the game but here’s Kichou in his Canucks jersey. I wore one I borrowed from Taylor and since our team won, it’s now a lucky jersey.
That’s Jenn in the picture with Kichou, holding a pink plastic tumbler of pinot blanc. We do things in style at my house. Anyway I drank A LOT of stadium beer and screamed myself silly, then afterwards we wandered around the city looking for:
a) more wine
b) a place to pee (for me) and some bottled water (for Jenn, who had mad hiccups. I think. I don’t really remember)
c) poutine
We were successful in all our endeavors, and eventually even made it back to my house, although we barely had any of the wine before very maturely cutting ourselves off. It’s nice to be a grown up sometimes.
On Saturday I was kind of hungover but still managed to run tons of errands, including buying candy molds for my upcoming crayon recycling project and picking up the package at the post office. It just so happened to have all my Halloween costume stuff in it, so I need to get started on that, as well as Georgie’s. Oh, we also stumbled across some sort of operation with the police and FBI!

Oh wait, we live in Canada, that’s just something being filmed. Probably Fringe, so look for this building in a future episode!
Other than that I think I spent the whole weekend sprawled on the couch in sweatpants, eating mini-Tootsie Rolls and watching two and a half seasons of It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. I told you, we do things in style here.
You’re my hero.